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The best service for the most beautiful exotic vegetables.
We import a large variety of certified exotic fruits and vegetables from Africa

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Our vegetables

Green bean
Extra fine, Samantha, Amy and Vanilla variety

The green bean, also known as the snap bean, belongs to the legume family and refers to the shoots harvested before maturity of a legume: the common bean. This vegetable, whose pods are consumed at the unripe stage, is low in energy but rich in proteins, vitamins A and C, and in the minerals Ca, Mg, P and K. In Senegal, it is mainly cultivated in the Niayes regions. It is considered as a fresh vegetable

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Willy KS Company - Green Beans


Okra is a small green vegetable in the form of a capsule, with a smooth or fluffy skin and small edible seeds. It tastes a bit like eggplant but has a slimy texture when cooked. The gooey texture might be disconcerting to some if we did not assure you that this vegetable could quickly become a habit. Okra is very rich in vitamin A and C. It is also an excellent source of minerals and trace elements including calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper and iron. Without fat, okra is easily digestible.

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